Saturday, October 9, 2010

This and That - 2 years

Another year in the history books for Ben! I'll try to make it this short, here is what he has been doing:
Stats: 28 lbs / 35 in (50% percentile for both)
Likes: Outside, bubble baths, his trucks,  riding his new bikes, slides, books, the alphabet, Pistol Pete, Scooby-Doo snacks, pretend talking on the phone, pulling people around to where he needs them to come too, STOP signs, repeating and learning new words

Would rather avoid: gettting changed (diaper and clothing), veggies, mornings prior to 7am, going to bed

Ben made the switch on his own terms to his big boy bed in early September.  We set it up in our guest bedroom (which was planned to be his big boy room) and gradually he would go in and play on it.  Then one night when we said time for bed, he went to that bed and it has been love (kinda) since then :)  Each night I expect the feel of little hands grabbing me as he climbs in bed with us, some nights he comes, others he stays in bed.  I'll post pictures of his new room eventually :)

Pushed his frozen Gogurt pop on his nose
"Asson" came to see me!! And brought me an awesome toy

"Yeah I'm busy making Allyson play with me in my room"

Airplane! Right as he got up on John's feet  he says "Awesome"

Couldn't get enough of airplane one night after work

He would back his rear up to Allyson, so she'd drive the truck on his back and head

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