Thursday, July 12, 2012

Brotherly love

Natalee is one lucky gal, she has a big brother who has the kindest, sweetest, most pure heart.  I look over and see Ben holding her hand while she was watching some baby tunes, I whip out the camera as fast as I can and below is what I got :)
Ben would do anything for anyone to make them happy.  It breaks my heart to know my baby has so much going on in that head of his, that he stutters.  We took the initiative a few months ago, got him tested and he has blocking - where the first word of his sentences stutters out and sometimes he can't even get it out.  Thru the Edmond schools, he is receiving speech therapy this summer and will continue on thru the school year at his future elementary school (he won't be in pre-k until next August).  The speech blocking has somewhat to do with his personality - being such a perfectionist, he has to get it right or else he stresses out and stuttering is the result - and also the fact my child is a freaking genius. Going to be that bragging mom, but Ben truely is a genius. He is fully reading books.  Sounds out any new word, any word, it's amazing. Spells to us if we can't  understand what he is trying to tell us.  And the strange part is, he doesn't stutter when reading to us. I hope and hope that he can overcome this and the therapy will continue to improve his speech.  Yesterday one of his daycare buddies imitated his stuttering, thank god Ben didn't hear it, but made me so so sad to think of kids at the elementary level doing that to him.  I know Ben will power thru this but as a parent it's so hard to see your child struggle. 1st of many struggles I know we'll deal with over the years, this parenting ain't easy on your heart!!

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