Not talking about the show but the fact that Ben is going to be a big brother come May 1st!!!! Baby Forrest completely took us by surprise, not that we weren't trying but there were no fertility pills involved and lets just say it doesn't take but one time for a baby to be conceived :) The specialist was planning on running further tests, but obviously that wasn't needed. John and I were, to say the least, in complete shock when the test turned positive, trying for nearly 2 years, the only times we got pregnant, it was on fertility pills. Of course, the anxiety of losing this baby set in and the past 8 weeks have been extremely stressful. However, the fact that I've been stuck in my bed dealing with this outrageous case of morning/day/night sickness has let me know I was still pregnant. I didn't know if I was going to make it to work each day, I seriously thought I'm going to have to quit. I thought I was "sick" with Ben - not even close. These pregnancies so far are night and day. I start my 12th week tomorrow and REALLY hoping it goes away by next week! John has really stepped up to the plate and took over for me... oh and has been getting me whatever food sounds good at the moment :) Ben couldn't be any sweeter - laying in bed with me, giving me kisses when I felt so horrible and is so excited for "the baby in mommy's belly". (which he thinks is in my belly button!) So far my craving and dislikes have been....(I need to write this down now or I'll forget)
Cravings: *some of these lasted a week and I moved onto the next weekly addiction
Fruit, fruit,and more fruit
Glazed chicken lean cuisine
Carrot sticks with veggie dip
Baked Lays
Taco Bueno... or as Ben says "Mom we got your Taco Beano"
Ramen noodles
Jalapeno cheetos
Crackers, pita chips, pretzels (didn't want these by choice)
Barf tendencies:
Ice cream :(
Gray walls... I can't explain it but I made John repaint walls in our house
Scented laundry detergent
Fruit scented hand soaps
I'm sure John could add just a few more to this list :)
So far we've had 3 ultrasound and each appointment I about give myself a heart attack from anxiety, thankfully each time we got to see the bambino growing and growing! Heartrate has been from 177-182 and due date was 5-5-12, then 5-3-12 and now back to the calendar due date of 5-1-12!
Host a Christmas Cookie Decorating Party for Kids
2 months ago
Soooo happy for you all!!