Fear and sadness have consumed me this week. I have always loved storms but not ones that are coined "killer, maxi torando" and the words from the best weaterman out there of "you HAVE to get underground" made me almost crap my pants. John was calm. I was NOT, but when Mike Morgan says 1/2 mile wide tornado could be coming directly at Edmond, I flipped out. We don't have a storm shelter and the images of Joplin kept coming in mind. Ben watched about 10 episodes of Wow Wow Wubbzy and ate whatever he wanted, I had to keep him out of the living room where I was losing it. I never thought I'd act that way in a storm. What has happened to me?! I always thought I'd grab pictures, computer, etc. I grabbed nothing when we left to get in a shelter. Nothing. After the fact, I realized I have uploaded all pictures since Ben was born to shutterfly, so if you haven't uploaded your pictures to a website, I suggest do it now. You never know! Having a child changes it all. Those fears of losing Ben took over. Unfortunately a mother in Piedmont had those fears come true. She lost her 15 mo and 3 yr sons. Completely heartbroken for that family. I just can't imagine, she did what she could and got them in the bathtub but that tornado was so mean. Complete devestation and so sad, however, the family will have a bundle of joy in Oct, the mom is 5 months pregnant and the baby is doing okay!
I can't dwell on sadness when I have this little man in my life. A day after the storms we enjoyed a nice evening in the front yard playing "golf". And after 3 months, what started looking like the tops of pineapples, our lillies have BLOOMED. They are stunning :) These suckers took forever to bloom. Thank you previous owners for planting these, I love 'em. I hope we never have to deal with a storm like that again! But given the fact we live in tornado alley, we probably will, but this time we will be safe in Papa's new shelter he is building :)
Host a Christmas Cookie Decorating Party for Kids
3 months ago