Saturday, February 25, 2012

good mood food

"Mommy can I have a cookie now..."
"No silly, eat your dinner"
"MOMMY you can't say no, you have to tell me yes."

Me: "Ben here are 3 carrots, gotta eat those with your dinner"
Ben: "How about 4 carrots"
Okay! Bargining with me not so much in your favor but whatever.

"It's good mood food.... "
Ben you crack us up. You know the Arby's, UBuild It and Homeland commerical lyrics. 
Now with our knock knock jokes, you jump the gun and say what we are about too...
Me: Knock. Knock
Ben: Who's there
Me: It's Pistol..
Ben: Pete who.....
Turkey!!! and you do it with the biggest grin.

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