Saturday, January 30, 2010

Many faces of Ben...

Hello actor! Ben has been quite expressive the past 2 days or maybe its that I've just captured his normal attitude :) Took him outside in the snow yesterday, picture below lets you know how he felt about that....We stayed for about 5 minutes after he FREAKED out when he his hands got in the snow. We'll try again next year (better not be anymore snow this year). My favorite expression of all is Ben's sweet grin with his one dimple on the right cheek (not visible in this picture but he really does have only one dimple). Layering his blankies on his head produced a crazy Ben "do", definitely got his daddy's "brillo pad" hair!! Sorry buddy, you were destined to have some wirey curly hair!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Andee, he is so adorable, I really want to see him again soon and get our boys together to play when the weather is nice :)
