Past the half way mark and.....
~ Natalee is a big time mover, way more than I remember with Ben
~ Feeling pretty good. Have to take a pepcid morning and night or else my throat is in a burning hell
~ Natalee feels really low
~ As before, we love cream cheese. This phase is plain cream cheese with cinnanmon bagels. Delicious!
~ Most active at night. Dad got to see and feel you having a party at 23 weeks. I was sick as a dog and the Robitussin got the party started for you.
~ At 23 weeks u/s, you weighed in at 1.1 lbs and measured 100% healthy and right on track for May 1st due date. Doctor scared us while looking at you, he kept zooming in on your heart and just watching it. His exact words were "this is a textbook scan and what us doctors dream of, this is too fun"... Apparently you have quite the amazing heart!