I played hooky at work Monday to enjoy a Zoo day with my boys and the Gesell clan. So worth it! Allyson, who is my BFF, was in town from LA with her boyfriend Aaron (who is on his way to be a famous actor, seriously, I will for real know someone famous) so we joined them along with Allyson's sister and her 2 kiddos. Ruby is a year older than Ben, we laughed because they have the exact same coloring and same hair....by the end of the day, both kiddo's hair were curling up from the heat :) Ruby is a bossy lil thing and Ben loved every minute of it. He "made fun of her" when she cried because she didn't get her way. It is apparently his new thing because he did the same thing at the park Saturday. When a kid throws a fit (or in the park incident really gets hurt), Ben does this fake cry at them. To Ruby it was hilarious.... not so hilarious to the poor kid who got hurt. Partly our fault because we "egggg" him on to act for us. We had high hopes to see the new baby elephant but she was bonding with her mommy. Ben was not disappointed though - he got to see elephant poop - "BIG POOP MOMMY!" Could have cared less about the actual elephant, he loved the poop and the fans in the elephant room. He also was obsessed with the pig poop at the petting zoo. I will blog another day about his recent pooping habits, lets just say we have hit white trash status for sure! Back to the zoo.... we took our lunches, ate by the lake, and got cooled off by the lake breeze. Ben was great for the most part, a few meltdowns here and there but nothing a little kit-kat bribing couldn't cure :)
On a totally different note - to my friends out there who encouraged me to take action on my miscarriages, I did... I graciously donated 14 tubes of blood :) The results came back yesterday and I have a "mutated" gene - Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is the name of a gene that produces an enzyme. If a person carries the genetic mutation that inhibits production of this enzyme, its ability to absorb folic acid is inhibited - in short, I have a severe folic acid deficiency,along with blood clotting. Not only do I carry one bad copy of this gene, but 2 bad copies :( My doc has never had a patient with 2 bad copies, fantastic news right? However, my doc is the greatest and already prescribed me what to take and is going to seek further answers from a specialist for me. At least I now know why I've lost 2 babies and there isn't the answer of "we aren't sure why, just bad luck.. keep trying"!
Had to ride on the Panda! |
Checking out the elephant poop :) |
Notice the curly q's... this was at the end of the day |
"E-L-E-P-H-A-N-T"... as always, he was spelling the sign to Ruby |
Banging on this random door at the Chimp exhibit.. I told him the monkey's were sleeping in there and to stop.. his mind went to "ssshhh sleeping, MACHINES. He manages to bring machines, rockets, space in any sentence :) |
Happy Zoo Clan! |